showing 19 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Bible Crossword Studio  Wisdom Tree? labelminimizeminimize
Bog for Windows  Pocket-Sized Software1991 labelimageminimize
Cipher for Windows author1991 labelimageminimize
Hangman for Windows author1991 labelimageminimize
WinHang Open Windows Technology1991 labelimageminimize
Winwheel author1991 labelimageminimize
Bago author1992 labelimageminimize
Cipher author1992 labelimageminimize
Crosswords Sierra On-Line1992 labelminimizeminimize
Hangman Jr. Alston Software Labs1992 labelimageminimize
Jotto for Windows Author1992Jotto is a Mastermind variant in which the player must guess a five letter word. After each guess the computer will give a number of jots, indicating correct letters in the secret word. The goal is to find out the secret word. labelimagesubject
Jumble Fever Fusion Software1992 labelimageminimize
Wordstalk Mallard Software1992 labelimageminimize
Double Match author1993 labelimageminimize
Spin 'n' Win author1993 labelimageminimize
Eurisko Joli Ciel1995 labelminimizeminimize
Schneemann author1995 labelimageminimize
Wortspiel: Classic Version Green Pepper (Diamond Software)1995 labelminimizeminimize
Diamco Webfoot Technologies (TLK Games)1997 labelminimizeminimize